Tauko 02, Frühling 2022
Sprache: Englisch
Grössen: 9 Grössen, Brustumfang von 78 cm bis 146cm
Inhalt: Reportagen, Papierschnittmuster mit Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen aller Designs im Magazin
In the second issue of the TAUKO magazine, you will find 10 designs by international designers with step by step sewing guidelines and actual size paper patterns. The detailed guidelines inspire makers of all levels to start their new sewing project. Making use of soft linen, bold floral patterns, sturdy twill and sheer knits you’ll learn to make wrap maxi dresses, voluminous trousers and zero waste tops by the international designers.
The issue explores the theme “Kinship” in articles, essays, columns, recommendations and interviews which highlight the importance of crafting in creating communities and traditions.