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Tauko 06, 2023 Artists Workwear

Tauko 06, 2023 Artists Workwear

Artikelnummer: 28.2.TM202101.06

Sprache: Englisch

Grössen: 9 Grössen, Brustumfang von 78 cm bis 146cm

Inhalt: Reportagen, Papierschnittmuster mit Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen aller Designs im Magazin


A glance into an artist’s work wardrobe will quickly reveal what’s in the making. The paint splatters, scraps of yarn, and sawdust on an artist’s workwear reveal the materials, colours, and shapes of their creative process. What image does an artist’s workwear portray? Issue No. 7 explores the clothing worn in creative studios and ateliers. The garments featured in this issue show a variety of functional and expressive sewing patterns.

    CHF 28.00Preis
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