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Tauko 09, 2023 Blue

Tauko 09, 2023 Blue

Artikelnummer: 28.2.TM202101.09

Sprache: Englisch

Grössen: 9 Grössen, Brustumfang von 78 cm bis 146cm

Inhalt: Reportagen, Papierschnittmuster mit Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen aller Designs im Magazin


TAUKO Magazine No. 9 is dedicated to the colour blue! The colour of the sky, seas and lakes has inspired a series of nine different sewing patterns by international designers. Serenity and tranquillity are very much in evidence in these designs, which include dresses, casual trousers, blouses and trench coats against the cold winter blasts. The size- and gender-inclusive designs also make great handmade gifts for loved ones! Artists and researchers talk about the importance of blue in the world of textiles in a variety of articles, providing plenty to read into the dark evenings.

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